Folsom Family Law Attorneys Rancho Cordova

Folsom Family Law Attorneys

We offer customized legal solutions that take our client’s needs and objectives into account.

Our Attorneys are skilled in all aspects of Family Law

Family law covers a broad range of legal issues relating to divorcepaternitycustody and visitationchild supportspousal support/alimony and attorney’s fees. Family law matters are often complicated, stressful, and emotionally overwhelming.  When dealing with a divorcechild custody, or financial issues, having an experienced attorney on your side is essential.

It is important that you have an attorney you can trust to assist you in navigating the court and legal system and help guide you through your case.The decisions made in family law cases affect every aspect of the new life you are trying to create.  We understand that it can be confusing, and we are here to help you understand the legal process, your options, and to help you make informed decisions that work best for you and your family.

We understand that when going through the uncertainty of a divorce that access to your attorney is vital, and we are committed to being available to our clients by phone or email so that you are not alone in this process.

Our firm handles a variety of family law issues.  Click the links below to learn more about these areas of law, or schedule your consultation with one of our Folsom family law attorneys today by calling 916-631-1996.

Even if you do not see your specific family law issue listed below, we may be able to help.

Child Custody

Child Support


Legal Separation


Spousal Support

Nuptial Agreements

Attorney's Fees

Get Started with an Initial Consultation
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