Folsom Adoption Attorneys Rancho Cordova

Folsom Adoption Law Attorneys

We offer customized legal solutions that take our client’s needs and objectives into account.

Accessible and Affordable Sacramento County Adoption Attorneys

There are several different types of adoption that may be utilized depending on the circumstances of the parties involved.  Mayer & Young, PC offers the assistance of a skilled adoption attorneys who can help you understand what type of papers need to be filed in your specific case.  Our practice is limited to stepparent adoption and second parent adoption.

What is Step-Parent Adoption?

Step-parent adoption occurs when a step-parent legally adopts the child of their spouse.  Step-parent adoption gives the adopting parent the same legal rights as the biological parent.  When a step-parent adoption takes place, the biological parent married to the step-parent must provide consent to the adoption by the step-parent.  The other parent (the non-spouse) must also provide consent, or, have their parental rights terminated.  Our blog article “Is Step-parent Adoption Right for you Family” may also be useful for you to read when considering step-parent adoption.

young hipster father in glasses, mother holding cute baby in summer cornfield
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What is Second Parent Adoption?

Second Parent Adoption is necessary when, in same-sex couples, only one parent is the legally recognized parent although both parents are co-parenting the child. In these instances, the biological parent has the legal status as a parent automatically conveyed, and the second parent needs to adopt the child to have the same legal status. Second parent adoption allows the second parent to adopt without the other parent giving up their legal rights. A second parent adoption also allows the minor child to receive legally conferred benefits from the adoptive parent, like social security benefits and health insurance. Finally, a second parent adoption can be necessary when a same-sex couple travels to a state or country where same-sex marriages are not recognized and therefore the second parent loses all rights to the child.

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