Folsom Legal Separation Attorneys Rancho Cordova

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Legal Separation

Legal Separation


Folsom Legal Separation Attorneys

We offer customized legal solutions that take our client’s needs and objectives into account

Well-informed Family Law attorneys

What is legal separation?

In a legal separation, the court addresses all of the same issues in a divorce, but at the end, the parties are legally separated, not divorced.  If you have a judgment for legal separation, you cannot remarry and you are not restored to the status of a single individual.

Legal separation may be preferable to some parties in certain circumstances.

For example, if the parties wish to maintain existing health coverage, a separation may be preferable.  Certain religious beliefs also make separation preferable to a divorce.  Legal separation can also be used when the parties cannot meet the residency requirements to file for a divorce in California.  You can still address property division, spousal support, child support, custody and visitation, as well as attorney’s fees in a case for legal separation.

Parties should consider whether they want to re-marry when deciding whether to file for legal separation or divorce.  If you select legal separation and later decide to remarry, you will need to obtain a new judgment of divorce, which will require additional court costs and orders.

If you want to discuss your options, or the differences between filing for a legal separation versus a divorce, call our office for a reduced fee consultation today at (916) 631-1996.


Folsom legal separation attorneys

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